pretty cool tutorial.
I found a way to stop it from using up all the mp untill it goes below 0 and beyond.
make the button go to the same frame if it has too little mp.
another installment of JNMC tutorials ^_^ this one is in 3 parts 1 is for the more advanced. 2 are for newbies. plz dont vote low just because you rule at actionscript! I APOLOGISE FOR THE HUGE FILE SIZE! I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS SO BIG UNTIL I SUBMITTED! next time ill watch out for it! leave a review and submit me to experimental collection ^_^
pretty cool tutorial.
I found a way to stop it from using up all the mp untill it goes below 0 and beyond.
make the button go to the same frame if it has too little mp.
Can you help me?
When the i use the drain button it keeps on doing it even when the mp is negative how do i disable it when i reach 0mp?
Another tut
Well th only things is I expected there to be more to this one, considering the flash size, then I realized it was due to the music.
You should do a tut on including audio into flash. Everyone really needs to learn how to do that properly. Nice instructions you give, they are helpful,
pretty good JNMC!
<3 - Italian Clock
This Could be very useful!!
i know :O