couldnt you have spent your time doing something worth wild instead of making crap?
This is one of my earlier works for a flash movie and I think it is very interesting of how this is created. Using the skills of how the shapes will react when moved or changed to another shape. I hope everyone likes it!
couldnt you have spent your time doing something worth wild instead of making crap?
This is just a bunch of random tweens, along with some terrible background music, which sounds that are just hurtful to the ears!
This is just boring, annoying stuff with little to recommend it.
Terrible at best.
whoa...got to love tweening. There was a monkey! hehehe...
Heey man good work
Ya know is preetey good mai But de meusicc szzukk foe dubb sho'
Ahhh.... gotta love abstract flashes...
I love these. They are smong my favorite kinds of flashes, next to VG parodies.