good but make it longer
add more sprites and show mario killing sonic next time.
I have made this sprite flash for people yay
good but make it longer
add more sprites and show mario killing sonic next time.
Well notbad but it does need some work like little things, details here and there aswell as some flashy effects, also some compressing of the file would be great especialy since it was abit big, anyways better luck next time...
Compression, some better detail, and flash effects all around...
Anok flash with some ok action but needs more effort and detail...
teehee, hee.
That was good, but the loop skrewed up.
Needs to be longer, too
Work harder, make it better. (haha, get it?)
The loop screws it up because I can't enjoy the song. Kind of funny and entertaining but I think your action should be a little slower next time, or at least, a little more clear. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see you make another, perhaps more complete movie about Mario pwning guys.