Love it, great animation, great idea, great music. The scenery could have been a bit more detailed, but other than that it was as good as perfect. Keep it up!
This movie has flashing lights at stages.
Ok, my latest movie, Originaly made for a school flash compotition, but then i thought ill put it on NG. I have cut the song short, and i know its terribly hort, but its a saturday night, and im tired as hell. i will submit it again, when its finished, but this is all for now, ENJOY!
Love it, great animation, great idea, great music. The scenery could have been a bit more detailed, but other than that it was as good as perfect. Keep it up!
HA it was funny, seemed abit short though??? also the animation was abit fast in scene to scene and such, maybe add some subtitles for an overall effect if it...
Add some subtitles to the song...
Funny song but too short, needs more to it...
Needs to be longer
Seriously, use the whole song.
you cheapskate ripoff artist!
This already has been done! portal number 144679 will take you straight to a much better version done by the locks. However...if you want me to review the animation, It looks like you did a fair job. Left a little to be desired, but...its coming along nicely. Keep working it, and try to make sure you're not ripping off anyone else before doing/publishing/submitting. Thank you.
Right, well actually, this has been done MANY times, and i was well into the making of the movie before i realised this.
So hungry!
I liked the song but the graphics really need working on.