Very true, very entertaining
I've never heard it said so well in so few words. Well done.
My buddy and pal Buck Cash over at: has created another toon for The Infidel Guy. This toon is pretty fun to listen to. Nothing extremely awesome.. just a guy that some of you may find familiar. Of course this is set up like Apple's "switch" series of commercials. Enjoy! Oh, and visit:
m. Thanks.
Very true, very entertaining
I've never heard it said so well in so few words. Well done.
Great stuff Reginald. I never knew you did flash. I'm very much in agreement with the audio in this.
ya no real animation, this was more of an audio then anything, although you did have some animation pop ups, not bad, but the audio i completely agree with, it doesn't make any sense at all, also did anyone else notice that the pills don't do anything?
very true story
once you start reading the book, or listening to people who do, it all sounds pretty far fetched and weird. not to mention hateful.
i know what you think...
but you know that the bible say people loke you will exist traying to change the path , but know i have a question why atheist try so hard to take out people of God, God din`t anything bad, really is ous the people how do the bad things of the world and don`t come with that patetic excuses that is god good why where are suffering, so read the bible and have a good day