shrek is better
Science fiction is class and here is the definitive proof. Many sci-fi references for you buffs out there.........enjoy.
Please note that the song was written, performed and recorded by me.
shrek is better
Very nice, and here's an offer
I can possibly help you if you want the backing (music) of the song remastered.
I happen to have a Yamaha G-1 I can rerecord the backing with for you.
Thanks for the offer, but the song is already mastered well.
For this anim, I lowered the sound quality - check out the original on itunes.
The best of all yours!!!
You make the best music since Lemon Demon. You rule this is your best also your prequel to this song is great too.
Do some more this is wicked wickedwickedwickedwickedwicked wickedwickedwickedwickedwicked wickedwickedwickedwicked wicked wickedwickedwickedwickedwicked wickedwickedwickedwickedwicked wickedwickedwickedwicked wicked wicked
Thank you kind Sir
I love this animation myself but it's sadly one of my most underrated. But hey-ho
Glad you like my stuff
Keep well mate.
Well gee Wizz
Youve gone and done it again, at first i thought it cudnt beat space. BUT COR BLIMEY IT SURE DOES GROW ON YOU. (Espesh the waaahooooooooooooo) bit.
Well worth waiting 20 min. for on 56k. Amazing.
That made my day. The song was funny beyond words, and the animation made me want to watch (not to mention listen) to it two more times to catch all the hilarious references. You outdid yourself, and then went on to make me spray pop all over the keyboard with that bit about the disco dark lord of the sith. I can't praise this enough, so I will put my 5.23 votes to good use and give you a 5.
If this does not get some kind of award, baby Jesus will cry.
Cheers matey. Much obliged for your positive comments.
Keep well.