I feel that I had seen it before and I don't know if it was on YouTube or right here, or the song of this one, I think I have heard it elsewhere.
it doesn't matter, but what a fun animation about bees!!!
Bees. Lots of bees. Swarms of bees. Right behind you. No, really. Look. Look behind you.
I feel that I had seen it before and I don't know if it was on YouTube or right here, or the song of this one, I think I have heard it elsewhere.
it doesn't matter, but what a fun animation about bees!!!
I can't belive
Silent Kat said you stole this from him. Guess what I belive him. This 10 goes to Silent Kat. Not Daev Czen.
who made this you or Silentkat?
Gets stuck in your head after you watch this
I showed this to my Aunt's Boyfriend and he Kept whistiling the tune and It annoys her all the time. Keep up the good work!
This was very good, the "ANIMATION" was very smooth and flowd very well, the "AUDIO" was great aswell very good almost like a music video, what i mostly liked from this animation was the differrent "VIEW SHOTS" lots of nice and funny scenes, anyways nice animation, make more sometime...
Nothing much as its great as it is...
Funny and cute animation, good audio and even better animating, nice work peoles...