Nifty game
The game was actually fun, and with the music it made it much better very addictive and entertaining, abit basic but very fun, nice game, hope to see more of your work sometime
Well, this is a bit like your usual platformer. Make sure you read the instructions! I'm sorry it's so hard, I'm having trouble with a health bar. I'm awaer of the fps problem, it's at 24 and goes smoothly offline, but isn't going anywhere near that on the net. Pplease help. Enjoy!
Hint: Just so you can explore all 3 levels, press 2 or 3 in the menu to go to that level.
Nifty game
The game was actually fun, and with the music it made it much better very addictive and entertaining, abit basic but very fun, nice game, hope to see more of your work sometime
Demo that you didn't even give a proper name. Graphics need more effort and work on your main character. Gameplay is okay, but nothing exciting. You should really finish this flash.
This was made on 10/6/05, and I am only the sixteenth person to review it.
Too addictive
Great game and great effort (try not to make it so addictive lol).
Heh heh, sorry, I just can't help it ;-)
It's cool, I've been trying to make a game like this for about a month, but the dummys who make a tutorial for it here always leave stuff out. If it's not trouble for you can you give me a link to where if you used a tutorial, anyway good game.
Thanks, I got the scripting from U;itmate Tutorial 2 which is on Newgrounds. If you download the source file, it has everything you need to make a game, except you have to be using actionscript version 1.0 to make it work. I did make alot of the scripting up (e.g. collecting items)if you liked this demo, try the full version, named 'Bouncin' Blob Bonanza'! You might like it. Thanks for the review! :-)
Needs a lot of work done to it. For example, possibly change the orange ball for a character of some sort, like a monkey. If you could do that and change some other things, it will make the game a lot more appealable to others.
Thanks, I never thought this would actually get through! I'll bear these things in mind!