This is a god among cartoons
This is my first real flash, it may be simple but I still tryed to do something different.
This is a god among cartoons
((( UNIQUE )))
Haha this was strange and unique, some good voices for differen elemenst of the flash, the flash itself seemed somewhat short, but it was still good it sorta reminded me of the old computer graphics back in the day, i do like your style for randomness and strabgness haha, anyways nice job, keep it up....
For a first time flash cartoon that is one of the best I've ever seen, good job. keep up the good work. I can hardly wait to see what some future works by you will look like.
hmmm...i errr
I think it was good with the graphics but it lost me... not the best i have seen but far from the worst.
it was strange
very surreal and science fictional.
which in my mind makes it good :)