Disliked the humor...
It wasn't bad and it seems you could definitely be a decent flash artist, the humor though wasn't my thing.
If you go out in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise. The surprise? This movie BITES HARD. (957K)
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Disliked the humor...
It wasn't bad and it seems you could definitely be a decent flash artist, the humor though wasn't my thing.
that was great.
i laughed my ass off.
my only suggestion would be, maybe try to make them a bit more expressive next time. make the dad look angry. have him narrow his eyes and get pissed off.
otherwise, rock on.
I used to listen to that song when I was little... Watch out for papa bear..lol!
wow rofl while lmao and loling
dude thats was soo fucking funny! 5***** for you
it really hit home... kind of
wow that what i think god is like too, well.. thats if i actually believed in a god. NIce though u get a 10 from me just from the message your sending.