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La Revolucion

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Author Comments

This clip is an homage to old spaghetti Westerns, a parody of all those "gangsta" rappers, and just a whole lot of fun! I hope you enjoy watching it...

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Not my style of interest but it had its points you did present it well for its theme though and neat little characters well the ones i saw anyways, it all seemed to flow well together, i liked it, infact i watched it twice, it was very good stuff, nice job...

Only thing i can really see would be to compress it somewhat...

A neat flash with some good style to it, not my thing but its still neat...


absolutely great

This was great!! the song was perfect for the theme of the video.

this is way better than a lot of the stuff that gets put on the front page. I am just curious--- when was this made?

kennsj responds:

Thanks for the positive feedback. This animation was completed on the 13th of September, 2005.

Suits the song perfectly :)

I likey - feels like the song was made for the video clip, which is the highest praise I can give a clip! I likey. Mouse funny. :)

kennsj responds:

Wow. Yeah, that IS high praise! Many thanks, "yamman"!

Catchy tune

I liked this, although the "hand drawn" look of it bothered me for some reason. Oh well, bake a pie...eat a pie. Good job!

kennsj responds:

Thanks for the comments! I appreciate the feedback a lot.


i listen to rap music, and i know it's a parody, but dayum, that was good. it's actually better then some songs i hear nowadays. lol keep up the good work.

kennsj responds:

If you like "La Revolucion", check out more of Ugly Duckling's work! These guys are true hip-hoppers, not your commercial "gangsta" punks...

Credits & Info

3.81 / 5.00

Oct 3, 2005
11:00 PM EDT