I doubt very much that no one is no longer using this product, no??
since I think that in step, that product was a total garbage with each update!!!
It's a funny movie making fun of AOL you will love it!
I doubt very much that no one is no longer using this product, no??
since I think that in step, that product was a total garbage with each update!!!
That's why AOL is extinct in the future
good point, but this was not impressive as an animation, which means you didn't really put as much effort in as you could have. Better luck next time though, if you ever come back to Newgrounds.
just utterly sucks. you could do way better
Just yet another AOL sucks movie
Even for an AOL sucks movie this was bad, at least the others are longer than 15 seconds and make funnier jokes about it, this basically just pointed out the fact that AOL is ridiculously slow, a fact we all know, a movie expressing that point was pointless. You could have at least came up with an original idea, this had been done to death.