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Fag Bodyspray

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Commercial for Fag Bodyspray

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Very creative thought. Very funny by the way.


Entertaining commercial. The concept is good, but the animation is a but too simple, there really isn't much movement or variety in it. Add some of that and this will get even greater. keep going!


Can't see a thing!

Please remove this white frame or just make it black, cause with the white-black contrast (most of the video is outside during night), we can't see a thing. What I saw was funny, I also thought that those body sprays couldn't attract only girls. I saw a Tag advert in French, and the motto is only translated (In French it says: "Vous avez été averti." which means you have been warned)

Just plain hillariuos!

I mean sure it has like no flash animaition, but it still is damn hillarious! I hate Tag because they're just tryin' to put AXE outta buisness, thanx for ridiculing 'em with this awesome parodie! I don't really got to say what to improve on this was really funny and well thought up (but strangely not perfect). I just don't know why this got such a low score.

DUDE That was so funny! Nice one!

NIce parody i love it!
That was real good!

Credits & Info

3.79 / 5.00

Sep 28, 2005
12:43 PM EDT