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Megaman Zero- The Last Cataclysm 2

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*Edit : Im so sorry to make you guys wait for so long.The next movie will be out in a month or two ;)*

Sorry 'bout the big filesize. But it's around 10 minutes so it's worth it. ^^

(Zero's and Weil's voice actors have been changed ^^)

Things you need to know:

1-Omega is the real Zero. He has the real body of Zero but not the real heart/soul.

2-The evil doctor's name is Weil not Dr. Wily in the Zero series.

3-Yes. "He" actually stutters like that in MMZ3, ever since he was revived by Weil.

Hey there, everyone. The long awaited MMZTLC 2 is here on NG at last. Ah making this one was damn hard, but I'm glad it's finished now. The filesize is big but the movie is long as well. It's around 10 minutes, by far the longest movie of mine and I'm proud of it.

Again, I'd like to thank all of my voice actors for their awesome talent - I really think that this time they were even better than before. They are the ones who made this movie possible. I couldn't have done it without them. Thank you, everyone! I really love my voice acting team.

This movie is a litle bit more story based, but there are action-packed fights like in the last one too, of course. And personally, I really think that the story is getting better.

-To get the password for the scene selection and extras, you just need to watch the movie till the very end. And the credits are a part of the movie. Scene selection is protected 'cause I don't want anybody to jump to credits and get the extras without even watching the actual movie.

-You can return to the menu at any time by pressing the spacebar. Keep that in mind so you can watch your favorite scenes as many times as you want and easily!

And about the extras: This time we only have one extra. Pretty reasonable though, the filesize got out of control! Anyway, if you like Naruto - you'll love that extra. ^^ Also, I added more Naruto moves this time so those who REALLY love Naruto can enjoy it that much more! (Like me, YAY!)

I don't know what else to say right now. I'm so glad that it is finished.

I want to thank everyone for their support. My fans.... My voice actors.... And all the boys in my forum ^^

Talking about forums, you should all go and check mine out! It's full of cool people. Including meh XD J/K lol


See you all in my next movie! ^^ Enjoy !

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Like the first, watched this like 15 yeas ago! Still awesome! Hope you're well FlameZero!

FlameZero responds:

Hey there. Although it is half finished the Third part is now uploaded on Newgrounds.
Check it out :)
I'm glad you liked my movies :)

2021. Still waiting

FlameZero responds:

I would love it if you could watch this:
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
Surprise ^_^

Still waiting for part 3.

FlameZero responds:

I would love it if you could wach this:
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

Such a classic of Newgrounds animation. I can still remember how much I enjoyed watching this, even if I didn't understand anything (Since I hadn't learned English yet.)
It's such a shame that this one ended in a cliffhanger, though-

FlameZero responds:

Thank you for your review.
As a closure movie I uploaded this:
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)
I hope you have fun.

Aww yes, I have very fond memories of this. I wish you made more episodes. These cartoons were the first time I heard of Kirbopher working on something else. The voice actors really make it. Everyone sounds so realistic. While it's still an action, you could call it a drama given the tone of the voices.

It's just pleasant to look at these sprite designs. It's a pity this died out. I can compare this to something like the "Super Mario Bros. Z" series. Not a Mega Man fan, but love the tribute. The characters move around so fluidly.

FlameZero responds:

Hey thanx for your review:
I hope you like this closure movie I uploaded:
https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/870811 :)

Credits & Info

4.59 / 5.00

Sep 23, 2005
6:09 PM EDT
  • Frontpaged September 29, 2005
  • Daily Feature September 24, 2005
  • Weekly 2nd Place September 28, 2005