meh it was ok
Twas funny, kinda sucky lip-syching. Did you think of "Jack MeHoffer" yourself or have you seen Tommy Boy?
Haven't found the time to make flash in a while. Threw this together to poke fun at some stuff that has been irking me. It's about 2 minutes long.
meh it was ok
Twas funny, kinda sucky lip-syching. Did you think of "Jack MeHoffer" yourself or have you seen Tommy Boy?
lol but.....
it was funny but the bad lip synching kinda ruind it still funny though and i agree people are too quick to blam stick stuff some of the best writers are bad animaters
Good idea, poor animation
The jokes werent half bad, but the animation kinda ruined it. At the end he should have had a straight angry yet determined look, instead he did the shifty eyes as though he was embarrassed. The lip synching remains as bad as your early works for the most part. The only reason I put it at 5 was for originality (sorta), and mainly for the line "George Bush hates stick people!" The whole idea is good but needs more detail paid to the animation and execution
very short, slow and rather stupid... especially what it was based on.
I wouldn't say it's VERY short but yeah I agree that it's slow and stupid. But still, you're keepin the stick man down hata - go rack up some more blam points *cough* :P
The end was cheezy
Well, sticks arn't allways poorly animated, but your stick was. It was terrible! Too slow!