"Ive got it on disscount in the local junk yard!"
Hi I'm Laz Martino, creator of The Green Flea. As my company Toon Center embarks on its journey towards network television, enjoy a brief Green Flea webisode entitled Civil Swarm. The retro-toon is back!
"Ive got it on disscount in the local junk yard!"
It was all right i liked some of the ideas like the icon Activated Suit that was good and well some other stuff i really only thought that was worth mentioning i spose it was alright as far as most animations go but it wasnt really enthralling Though it did have some really lame Super Hero Lines that made me think of the Really old Batman Movies that was kinda funny
I like the idea of the superhero. Esp. his superhero punchlines!
Well, not much to say besides that.. perhaps you could work on the sound. Maybe it's just me but subtitles might be a good idea if you plan on making more TGF eps?
Oh my god!
This reminds me of the old He-Man cartoons from the 80's. Very nicely done. Bravo!
I think it was at least a decent attempt on a superhero genre parody. However the scripting and storyboarding needed some help. Next time try running you storyline and script past a few unpartial readers. Dont be afraid to ask ppl's opinion before you put alot of time into the animation. Your concept was just fine... it just needed a little bit of refining. Hell, if you want to, go ahead and ask me :) Good luck for future flashes.