Just wait until you find out how deadly bagels with cream cheese can be.
This is my health project. I made it in about 2 hours and I highly doublt I'll get a score much more than a 3, but oh well...
Just wait until you find out how deadly bagels with cream cheese can be.
This short movie is very good, i like it very much. It's funny that moment with squirrel and cigarret awesome. Dude you should do another movie or game. You are really good in drawning keep it so far and you colud win something. Nice work
An Educational / Health-Warning Flick
A movie like this is a nice break from all the comedy, sprite and video game related flashes that make up most of Newgrounds. It was a good movie, but if you were to show it on TV, i don't think it would fare well.
Why? Anti-smoking advertising relies on one thing. Shock. Where I am from, most smoking adverts will deliver their message in a very disturbing way - so as to shock the viewer and therefore make them think twice about lighting up.
This is more of a cute flick than anything. Visual wise, the graphics were good, and the squirrel FBF was well animated. Sound was also very fitting. But I would've made a more "shocking" movie to get the message across if i was in your shoes!
Good work though. :)
thats a long review.
man, I don't know
I know it's not fair to comment on other reviews, but ... "anti smoking companies" ?? Who, exactly, are these anti smoking companies? Anheuser-Busch ("Remember, kids, smoking is bad for you! Have a Bud instead!")?
So, anyway.
Umm... yeah. The graphics really are nice. But... it's kind of... dull. I agree, smoking is bad for you (seriously, does anyone who can read not already -know- that?). But it's DULL. Yes, "Pack of Smokes" was funny, but the rest of it was REALLY REALLY DULL.
i may have watched the squirell the whole but i no longer have the urg to smoke jk lol it was awsome it should be on tv a squirell gets to kids better then a pile of body bags infront of the phillip morrise builing awsome job
i no like philip morris.