good, i am a new TLOZ fan, and i cant find number 3 by the way..... canya gimme link in message plz
Well, I don't know if I'll finish Part 3. Probably not since I don't have flash anymore. One note though, PLEASE STOP WHINING ABOUT THE PLOT. I AM WELL AWARE THAT THE TIMEZONES DON'T MATCH. If you want to go whine to someone about characters not fitting in the plot, do it in front of someone who cares.
good, i am a new TLOZ fan, and i cant find number 3 by the way..... canya gimme link in message plz
Thanks for the review, but this series has been discontinued until further notice. I have bigger fish to fry :3
Puting Megaman and Link together was a touch I haven't seen many people make, the movie was good, but something got to me. Have you seen that one flash Link vs Zero, Zero was out to destroy Hyrule and Link defeated him using the triforce, and you have that exact same thing, what is goiing on?
nice job, yeah.. it is better than your first. But the only problem with this one is you make the dialog go by too fast.. i would miss a couple words each time they talked. (Happy I finally reviewed?)
<3 Tiffany
I agree, better than the first..
The animation is a bit cliche, but I can forgive. The story is good and I look forward to seeing the next installment.
Good Job :)
ZeroUltima counterpoint
Anyone with any knowledge of....
1) This is a flash, normal rules don't apply.
2) Zero never meets Megaman, he meets MM X
3) Link is an elf, not human (if that means anything)
4) Just as X is and upgrade of MM, Zero is an upgrade of Protoman (it seems like that in the few games I played) and thus there is a parodox of Protman being in 2 places/forms at once.
Whatever, this is all pointless except showing you that you really shouldn't apply normal rules in fan fick stories like this and, "anyone with any knowledge of Zero knows that Zero would" know what I said up there.