Number 2 out now check it out
bandicoot says:
anyone who has a problem with sprites, then dont watch this movie. this was a first try, and il add more to part 2, if you ever want to see part 2. Part 2 will look 3 times as good and might have voiceovers.
Shadicman: Can you plz leave reviews egar to hear how we can improve for the next ep
Well time for my first flash Bandicoot an I worked kinda hard on this.
Brief story Knuckles and Sonic go to fight Mecha Sonic but hes not there to fight Eggman has to new bots for them to deal with this is only part 1 if it goes well we will make part 2
The story line wasn't great and you messed up on the text slideshow pretty badly considering you would have an entire paragraph up for about 1.5 seconds, and in the beginning you would show like 4 words for almost 5 seconds. I guess i liked it just because I love Sonic's crew.
Choppy Music???
I liked the idea of friendly-fighting between Sonics crew & Megamen, but I think you could have executed the plot better. The music wasn't bad (I liked it) but the sound quality changed as if a new person kept switching the songs during production. I laughed at how Metal Sonic was so nonchalant about the whole fighting thing.
Try to make the sprites run a bit smoother and faster for certain effects (like dodges). Work out a more solid plot... Also, don't switch the music so much, It's distracting.
:Across The Board:
An enjoyable flash, and I was somewhat curious to see more...
i did not like it
the people who made this obviously had no idea what they were making
that was good and dumb at the same time. It was weird when knuckles knew megaman's name but it was ok.