really nice flash just notice and i love it
Basicaly, this is what happens when video games strike back against users who can't play worth sh*t. I hope to make a series out of this. Be warned... this movie has no point whatsoever, because it originates from my spaced out imagination. So if you are looking for a story of drama, action, blingage, and talking clocks... wrong flick. But if your insanity knows no limits... ENJOY! :-)
really nice flash just notice and i love it
meh, it was okay
I liked it but im sorry but you disappointed me. Maybe it was you made too many promises, like the name for a start. You called it when video games attack, so i assumed you were doing a number of games but no, just the one. I understand this probably being a series butwhen it was uploading (sweet preloader BTW) i was expecting and getting my hopes up for something like decline of videogames.
Issues aside this was an amazing flash. Very well drawn and an unexpected twist at the end. Keep it up and maybe in your next one try not to have it so short. You have the skill, use it.
ok could have been better
it was ok
pretty good
this is an ok flash, dont deserve blamming anyway so , gj, anyway, keep it up and eventually , make better animations
Nice job!