it was ok X0
blah blah blah blahblah blah
Just a little somethin me mand my brother(Footsies111) made one day. He wrote the script. We both animated about half of the movie and I did the sounds. We are still new to the whole claymation thing at the moment, but look for more soon.
it was ok X0
blah blah blah blahblah blah
to the guy below me
there is sound there must be something wrong with your speaker. and also that was a load of crap.
WTF?! theres no sound on it! \ _ /
Get a dosage of originality please...
Claymation is one thing, but 'Klaymation' is Knox - ripping him off BADLY sucks dude.
well they were rip offs of knoxs people and they kept saying gosh
(did ur brother c napolian dynamite before he made that movie?)