Not as good as ZHII
I love Zombie Hunter II - so I was excited to see a new addition to the franchise. I was glad to see you try something new, but more dissappointed to see you steer away from the gameplay techniques of the last itteration. Not comparing it to ZHII the game is pretty good. I had some issues with collision detection, dunno how it runs for others though, could just be on my end. That aside, the graphics were interesting, but a bit bland. I'd personally prefer hand drawn graphics instead of 3D models and photographic backgrounds.
I'm not bashing this game, on it's own it's good. But compared to ZHII, it pales in comparison. The story is not as compelling or deep. The upgrade and strategic points are lacking.
I'd really like to see you go back to the ZHII model and build upon it rather than go off in a completely different direction like this.