A triple headed rofl
Fifened without watching.
Your pal Crustclock {{{{}}}}}
This is the birth of a clock. His name is... W.B. Mason Clock
oh yeah... this is my submission for the time trials 3 on cc.net... its not supposed to be a movie on its own, but i submitted it anyways to get more movies. yay.
A triple headed rofl
Fifened without watching.
Your pal Crustclock {{{{}}}}}
I'm not going to ask.
What is it with you and bad clock flashes? You use the exact same things for every flash and they all suck.
Change your style a little bit and maybe they won't suck as much ass.
Lost clockwork.
These clock entrys are so lame I dont know where to start. But the laughing at the end was comical. I think the only thing that makes the clock entrys are the microsoft narrator voices. Yep...thats about it, other than that pure crap.
I loved it!
B....... just B
Ahahah, hilarious! Gotta love CC!