wtf it was so short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you hate stick movies than dont even bother writing a review for this, and dont even bother watching it either.
Incase your wondering music is by Rob Zombie...
wtf it was so short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not really my field, so i'm not good at judging this but entertaining.
Nice...You should have put a 6 sided ring though...Not that you needed to it's just T.N.A use the six sided and T.N.A is better than W.W.E (which uses the 4 sided ring)It's always obvious whats gonna happen in W.W.E but in T.N.A it isn't as obvious as W.W.E.Still Stick wrestling is cool and T.N.A used to use 4 sided...besides Most o the other wrestling companys use 4 sided (eg)FWA,CZW,BWA & other ones.God when I review stuf like this I end up telling my whole life story basically.I'm gonna now say what i am mening to say.THIS RULES!...One more thing...I would like to put a message out to back up the guywho is going to win the main event at Hard Justice...C'MON STING PUT THAT DICKHEAD JEFF JERRET ON HIS ASS!!!
thank you very much, and yes TNA is WAAAY better than WWE :D
btw, can't wait for Kur Angle to debut!!
I really liked that....
Ya know, out of all the stickmen wrestling I've watched this has got to be the best. The blood was very graphical for stickmen and that was pretty cool
worst stick movie ive seen(i think)
good music and all, but worst movie ever, and where the hell did the blue guy come from?????¿¿¿¿¿
erm...the blue stick came from the top lights and trust me if you wanna see the worst stick movie look at the other stick wrestling movies....