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Raito steals L's memories and he and Snape enter the penseive to see the genius' childhood. Monkeyjay does all my voices. If you don't read Death Note or aren't from deviantart you won't get it I'm sorry.. again. You can stop telling me to make sense cos... well.. no. :) haha! <3 I don't have scriptwriting skills yet.
Also for those accusing: click links, they take you places. O__O
I'm glad to see some people know DN at least.. :)
WTF all they care about is the f***ing monkey??????
poor L he's too cute, he brokes my heart Ù©(Ã-̯Ã-)Û¶ <3
For something made in 2005..
This was one of the better animations made from back then. Great voice acting and impressions, the artwork wasn't half-assed you put quite alot of effort into it. Another thing was great was hearing Snape sound like a Pimp. Snpae is a true pimp!!
i want a monky
ha that was funny and............ that was just funny
RANDOM PIMP HAT!!!!!!!!!!!