((( CRAZY )))
Ok this was odd, it started out ok with the dancing pirate and all, but the jooby smile thing was abit crazy and with all the screeching noise i was like aaaak, anyways it made me laugh so notbad, i hope to see more soon...
Hey! Have a look at this collab featuring jack Nicholson and Duck-Duck-Sheep!
((( CRAZY )))
Ok this was odd, it started out ok with the dancing pirate and all, but the jooby smile thing was abit crazy and with all the screeching noise i was like aaaak, anyways it made me laugh so notbad, i hope to see more soon...
tha was fucking halarious!
but i don't see what it has to do w' rockets are well!
Because rockets are kewl, =)
utter crap
no really it is
now define this!:
hha u bastrdoo goit
ass·hole Audio pronunciation of "asshole" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (shl)
n. Vulgar Slang
1. The anus.
2. A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person.
3. The most miserable or undesirable place in a particular area.
4. JonReid
wtf September 3, 2005
Reviewed by: WhiteDJ Overall Score: 0
what a waste of time ;/
1. To use, consume, spend, or expend thoughtlessly or carelessly.
No entry found for what the fuck.
Did you mean Wheat thief?
Wheat thief
The feck
weather deck
cool but pointless
cool but pointless
cool but pointless