I guess it was okay a bit boring tho!
This is a story about Iggy who want to get married. Unfortunatly, girlfriends usually come before wives, so that is where he begins.
I guess it was okay a bit boring tho!
I was pleased how it started, sorta gets abit sloppy abit later, but for the most part it was entertaining and somewhat cute...
Well i would suggest more "DETAIL" on the fish and most of all some better backrounds, it would great be improved with just a few things...
A cute and entertaining flash, i enjoyed it, keep up the ok work...
Made me smile, even though fish aren't monogamous.
Modes of Reproduction:
Ovopartity-- Lay undeveloped eggs, External fertilization (90% of bony fish), Internal fertilization (some sharks and rays)
Ovoviviparity- Internal development- without direct maternal nourishment-Advanced at birth (most sharks + rays)-Larval birth (some scorpeaniforms-rockfish)
Viviparity- Internal development- direct nourishment from mother-Fully advanced at birth (some sharks, surf perches)
In fishes, oviparity is most common; the eggs are inexpensive to produce, and as eggs are in the water, they do not dry out (oxygen, nutrients are not scarce). The adult can produce many offspring, which they broadcast into the plankton column. When the offspring settle out of the plankton, they may be in totally new environments, allowing for a great area in which the young may survive. This mode also comes with its disadvantages; when born, the fish must first go through a larval stage for growth before they transform into the adult stage. In this larval stage, they must fend for themselves in obtaining food and avoiding predation. They may not find a suitable environment when they settle out of the plankton column. The survival of individual eggs is very low, so millions of eggs must be produced in order for the parent to successfully produce offspring. The other modes have their advantages, the eggs are much less prone to predation when carried within the mother, and the young are born fully advanced and ready to deal with the environment as miniature adults. These advantages come with a price-tag also; the adult must supply nutrients to its offspring and can only produce a few eggs at a time. The young are limited to the environment that their parents were in, and if this environment is deteriorating, they are stuck with it.
Parental care: In fishes, parental care is very rare as most fish are broadcast spawners, but there are a few instances of parental care. Male gobies guard the eggs in a nest until they are born. The male yellowhead jawfish actually guards the eggs by holding them in his mouth! Weird Fish Sex!
Some fish are very kinky creatures by human standards, displaying behavior that would probably get a human incarcerated for a long time.
I quoted this information from a website. I won't tell you which website cuz I don't want to get banned.
See, now, I -liked- that!
I was a little surprised to find I would like it, with the score I saw, buuut I can also understand it now that I've seen it. It's not good art. BUT! It's a cute, humorous idea that's well executed and with a reasonable level of skill! I gave you 5.
i loved it! it showed that a flash doesnt have to be full of sex and violence to be good! it was great and after watching it i felt happy!
^_^ good job!
make more!