the 2nd lvl1
how 2nd lvl so hard?????????????????????????!!!!!!!!
!!make it easyer
if you've seen takeshi's castle or mxc you might have seen this game called rope. anyways some guy asked if i could make it into a flash game for him and his website so i did. so before complaining about the guy is a rectangle- thats his character that he made me use. basically you have to get the 3 contestants across the ravine on the rope while dodging cannon fire. if you get hit you'll fall off. All levels are possible and sometimes waiting or even moving backwards will help you cross. hope you all like this as its the first game i've made and managed to finish.
sounds: takeshi's castle
P.S. theres a link back to the site i made it for so if like you arent allowed to link outside of newgrounds, tell me and i'll remove it. this isnt meant to be an advert for his site, its for me to kno if what i've made is any good.
the 2nd lvl1
how 2nd lvl so hard?????????????????????????!!!!!!!!
!!make it easyer
It was ok for the first few minutes.
Then it got knd of boring. Matbe you should add some directions at the menu. This is a giid try though,
((( FUNNY )))
This was funny, i got past the first round the second one on the other hand was abit more tough, at first i didnit know what to do, maybe set some instructions at the start unless i missed something fun game though...
a pretty simple game, but it kept me playing for a while because i was determined to beat the last one. it was fun, but needed better drawings .
The graphics need to improve and it'd be nice if the guy wasn't a rectangle, and one more thing I noticed, the cannon ball hit my guy in the corner, but it zooms in and shows him being hit in the stomach/middle, but that's not where he was hit...... but the game was pretty addictive....... I think you should improve on this, make rope game 1.5 or something
yeah it just cuts to an animation of him getting hit and falling off if you get hit. not too sure how i could change that. hmm i may improve on this though. thanks for the suggestions!