wow, very well done!!!
WARNING! This is an *EDUCATIONAL* flash video about photosynthesis done for my biology teacher.
Sorry about the potentaial dryness of the content, let it be known that you have all been WARNED. (This is nothing compared to mario physics...)
I did put some time into the animation, however, and it is my first real flash animation (both submitted to newgrounds or attempted). So any constructive comments would be greatly appreciated (although i have already learned a lot)
wow, very well done!!!
Good work on this one well done
Good work.
You managed to add a little bit of rofl to what is otherwise quite an average class. Scripted well too... delicious.
I hope your science teacher fifened it lololololz.
but i think that appeals more to a middle school biology class than to the average newgrounds crowd. Nice work though, very well made.
ugggggggg... my brain hurts