Not impressed.
I wish people would keep things like this to themselves. Maybe it's just me, but if you don't think it will score big, don't put it out here to score crappy!
This is a random flash it has no point its just our random stuff.
Not impressed.
I wish people would keep things like this to themselves. Maybe it's just me, but if you don't think it will score big, don't put it out here to score crappy!
garvin8r dude if you wanna talk bad about flash movies make ur own first you have no idea how hard it is when u first start out
wow, that was great!
the animation was good, random, and sorta funny. make it longer and maybe ill give u a 10 next time.
btw, what song was that? i kno ive heard it b4 and i want a copy of it.
More of the same?
Ok, I think random-frame-by-frame are in fashion again...
go home and have pie!
frame by frame look better foo cuz its not cheep
not original though, which is why it wont reach the front page. Good things about it are the music, I was glad you didnt pick some mozart crap and did techno instead, it fits the bill better, the animation was pretty fluid, nice work. 3/5
almost, but not quite
it was almost good enough for me to want to keep it, but not quite. better music, maybe some mozart instead of that techno crap would have been cool. also the annimation could have been a little slower