That was brilliant.
Makes me happy to think that I was right not to send anything to Art Attack.
Keep up the geat flash work
Ever wondered what Neil Buchanan REALLY thought about the Art Attacks you sent in to him? Well, he fucking hated them.
Leave reviews.
Thanks for your cunting time.
(Art Attack is a children's television show here in the UK, where host Neil Buchanan shows kids how to make pieces of tat into pieces of arty tat)
That was brilliant.
Makes me happy to think that I was right not to send anything to Art Attack.
Keep up the geat flash work
I've never even seen Art Attack, I'm sure it would seem even funnier if I had. I liked the scene change to the boy and back again and the details like the random burning ruler.
I like your good looking preloaders and intro's. They give a good first impression.
Again, the contrast between the way the presenter usualy is makes your usual foul language funny and therefore appropriate in this context- am I making any sense here?
Fucking amazing
This was hilarious and I thought the way his voice changed when he insulted the kids made it funnier. Keep this up.
This thing was very poorly done. The voice for the bad things he said sounded absolutely nothing like him, the graphics were extremely sub-par, and I'd keep going but I don't want to waste any more time on this piece of crapola.
This thing was very well done. The voice for the bad things he said sounded absolutely nothing like him, which I understand is a very subtle joke. The graphics were extremely good, and I'd keep going but I don't want to waste any more time fixing your review.
You cunt.
Omg u rock dude, this is awsome!