i reallly enjoyed it.
laughing pretty hard.
This is my first flash, so constructive criticism is much appreciated. Thanks for your support!
In addition, I realize that some people will probably be offended by this. I also realize this is Newgrounds, where people get exposed to mindless crap every day of the week. So if you can, enjoy the film for what it is.
i reallly enjoyed it.
laughing pretty hard.
Well done... i would of gone with more hardcore fight music and it really doesn't make sense because superman couldn't even touch kyrptonite without like dying..but im just picky good work and hope more of your submissons do well
Nice work!
Sprites a very time consuming, even if you didn't make them. Keep it up man, it was a good laugh to see how Superman died.
hahaha, i laughed out loud when superman turned into Christopher Reeves, CLASSIC...
Lame but the ending is good
I'm a big fan of the whole sprite genre but this entry is slightly weak. The idea is hilarious but it is brought down with the way Kryptonite looks. However the ending/demise of Superman is quite funny