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Flying Dreams FBF

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Here's my first stab at a FBF animation. Short and sweet, silly and in need of more work. Enjoy.

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he heh it was random

Well I have to admit is random, if it was your first flash then well done its better what I could do(even though i cant afford it.)
However you were lucky to see it go through though because i remember seeing something similar and it got "blammed" like it was no tommorow. You might want be more harsh on your responses though, there are a lot of assholes on this site. But I do actually like some of your new work(dont know why but it reminds of when i was a little kid.) Well what can I say? I enjoyed the flash, even though the only imagination i own is plagerism.


i am a big fan of steal angel and arne the turlte, nice work 4 urfirst try ,i think the the graphics r exelent 8@>

StealAngel responds:


I was....I mean....I...okay. Breathe. In the review you gave me for Meet Pie--I was under the impression that you felt I should not make any more animations. Perhaps you were trying to tell me not to make animations and instead make games. I'm confused.

I was also under the impression that you were playfully telling me that I was an idiot, thus my response to your review on Meet Pie. I'm even more confused that you would say you're a fan.

I'm flattered....but I'm even more confused. Thank you and maybe you could clarify in the future. ^_^ Thanks for your review and the high score.


I'm gonna have to agree on spudz because it was weak, there could of been a more complicated plot to this because thats what people like(well some at least)

p.s "You'll find that taking me literally will simply confuse you."

Not really, all I know is that you have a big immagination and people who say they do tend to say them things, I should know I used to have an immagination but "sadly" its lost and not really caring about it.
And if you are into it, i bet you have blammed people's work.
Also, not to offend, but my friends think your some peace loving hippy.
However, I like the idea of immagination but dont put it on a flash, express yourself more freely.
p.s.s I Know the moon is not an elemant and neither did people think the moon is an elemant. but thought that fire, wind,water and earth.
(anyways,not to offend in any way :)

StealAngel responds:

Hmmm...interesting review. Thank you. Yes, it was weak. It was the first time I had EVER tried using flash on my own and was certainly a learning experience.
I do, indeed, have a big immagination. As for yours--find it again. You need it and it needs you.
LMAO Peace loving hippy. I like that. Funny you should call me that. If you only knew...
I'm not at all offended. I appreciate your politeness and your criticism. The only thing that was offensive was your comment about agreeing with Spudz. He has been incredibly rude, offensive and immature towards me since my first moments on Newgrounds. Otherwise, thanks. Peace. LOL


You said "Wow. I can't believe that you had the nerve to critique my work with such blatent hate after creating something like that." and you make something like this. I'm so glad I saw this. You try to defend the lack of plot or purpose in this movie by saying "its just a random frame by frame movie", to be honest I think thats a loada crap. You couldnt think of a plot and you wanted a movie on newgrounds. I'm sure you'll reply to this with some more lies but I wont be back to read it so dont bother.

StealAngel responds:

LMAO You must have really been fuming after my response if you actually tracked down my FIRST flash animation just to continue crying all over my page. Plot? Who says I NEED plot? I had fun animating that stupid sheep and I learned a lot about the program when creating him. By the way, I'm self taught. Perhaps you're just jealous that I don't have to use bathroom humor in my creations to get a response from people.
Furthermore, I'm glad you saw this, too. Maybe my intellect and ability to use the Flash program properly will encourage you to work harder and get more out of your hobby. It's amazing what hobbies can do for derelects like yourself. Nonetheless, good luck. I hope you find maturity and peace in your life. You'll go farther and do greater things if you do.

not bad

a bit short, but it was a nice FBF animation...nice drawings in it too.

StealAngel responds:

Thanks, Kwas, Marzee, and Joe and everyone else who was decent in their criticisms. I am currently working on my 2nd animation and I know it already tops my first. ^_^

Credits & Info

3.34 / 5.00

Aug 24, 2005
2:11 AM EDT