Experimental drawing style. Not supposed to be an immersive game so don't take it as such. Just a little time-waster I made over the weekend.
good time waster
i liked it
good points:monkey,ok drawings,clear sound,kinda fun game play
bad points: the monkey can only move side to side and duck,drawing wernt that good
imporve on:drawings,things the monkey can domore stuff to collect and dodge
final score:3/5
It was alright.
It was an OK game, but it wasn't amazingly fun. Cool though.
Good Work
I have to say, this was a good submission in many ways, though I'll have a few crit's.
Guud things:
Monkeys are fun
The sound was clear
The music fit
The art was shape built, so it looks extremely clean
The Actionscripting was simple but effective
The power ups were a welcome addition
Opportunities For improvement:
Monkey should be able to do more than he does. This game model is so overused it's not even funny. My wife and I created Connectamals knowing we were entering an overcrowded genre, and so we did our best to give it a unique flavor. I could think of any number of twists you could add into the mix to make this game more interesting. I'll leave that task to you though.
Good Luck!
Its ok...
It was ok not worth playing a 3rd time...
it was pretty basic