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Batclock Ep. 1 FULL

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Author Comments

This is the FULL episode. I know you have probably already seen most of this but i assure you that this doesnt leave you hanging, and I am greatly sorry that I left you hanging last time, it was'nt right of me to do so. I was being a lazy bastard and for that I am deeply sorry. Please enjoy this wonderful Episode, I worked hard on it :)

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suprisingly good

i read the title as 'batlock', so i was kind of expecting a bat that also acted as an attorney during the day or something. anyway, the element of surprise together with a clock movie that stood just above the 11 bazillion clock movies that blow...i forget how i was going to end this. but you did pretty well anyway.

very good but voices wernt that great

All the clock cartoons are hilariose but on some of them especialy tihs one dont have the sound quality with the speeking isnt that good but the music and everything else is perfect.

Great for a clock movie

CLock movies are usually pieces of crap. They consist of little to no animation or movement, and robotic conversations that aren't funny. They're capped off with a "Teh power of B! Go cc! Vote 5!"

This had alot of action and alot of good animation. It was also sort of enjoyable. I give it a 4/5.

note: Where were you on clock day? This is better than all of the shit people submitted on Sunday!

Oh Fuck Yeah!

This was some quality shit! I Want you to fill me up with your seed, penetrate my pleasure entrance.



Now this was excellent. Great story, nice graphics/animation, better with the action, and it was somewhat funny when BatClock destroyed the car. My only problem is with the sound. I love the music selection and I say it was used very well, but I just couldn't here the Clocks talk most of the time. Thank you for putting in the subtitles. I still fifen. Hoping for Ep2 to be cool.

BobblinTops responds:

thank you very much. its appreciated.

Credits & Info

4.00 / 5.00

Aug 19, 2005
1:54 PM EDT