hi im back with another revieuw
hi again
u made me a very happy person and even happier if u accept me on ur msn
or/and respond to my revieuws
thank u allot for being u
bey bey
Sorry guys. This ones a bit short. In Own3d 4 i will spend more than a day on it :D This one is still good though!
If you want to talk to me personally, add me on msn. My addy is little_devill_14@hotmail
.com i am online now!
hi im back with another revieuw
hi again
u made me a very happy person and even happier if u accept me on ur msn
or/and respond to my revieuws
thank u allot for being u
bey bey
oh what fun
entertaining like always, hehe.
<3 <3 <3
Very funny.
Excellent work, a simple idea and its funny. Soon people will be making pwn3d and tr0wn3d flashes but they will not compare.
they better not ^^!
ha! better than i thought it would be, good to see my idea of explosives helped ya!! luv this man! you have done a wicked job on all of them so far and im really looking forward to seeing your other stuff ^^, make sure classy_reviews gets owned in one of them, make it a cool blood explosion!!!!
<3 dreadscythe
lmao. hes gay. he will die/get own3d!
yea..way 2 short
too short and didn't make sense,
yes it did n00b!