it was a little funny but ive always hated those voices... but i like the end song also
I just joined the clock crew yesterday.(august 15th) so I oculdn't do anything that day so we made this
Yeah A made the file size smaller so that no one is decieved by the large file size and the short toon, and I fixed the double oo in too.
it was a little funny but ive always hated those voices... but i like the end song also
That was awsome
I'm a fan of the clock crw works so this was halarious and entertaining, you made my day
rip off southpark much? ur a foggoty fag fucker. suck my cock....plz?
Ok So you're calling me a fag then you sk me to suck your cock, I'm confused?
"But youre a traffic light you couldve just turned green".
Thanks man more comin soon.