the score is now 14.38494696544
After clock day, I was inspired to make this not so clock friendly flash. It's short and sweet.
the score is now 14.38494696544
^^Good Points^^
The graphics were really good. I liked the three dimensional environments, they looked very cool. Definitely spiced this up quite a bit.
^^Needs Improving^^
The voicing was not speakonia, which is pretty stupid. Also, your explosion sound effects was really loud and low quality. Silly stuff like this makes a movie a lot worse.
Clock Crew <3's you
You cannot kill Strawberry Clock though. :( It's not physically possible.
Hehehe Nice job
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score from 3.4546 to 3.4555!
clocks rule you faggot! and that was a crap flash