Egentligen inte.
Jean-Paul wants a happy clock day!
Egentligen inte.
Everything which has the word "clock" gets an über rating from all the Clocks... even this sh*t.
I don't like you
well of course the flash is bad but i think the "massage" at the end is kind of a not too bad try to influence
but didn´t work you fucking morone
1. I didn't put a fucking massage in the end you gay.
2. It's the clock day.
and 3. Heboza sounds like a 50 year old
i agree with saintGome
People like you ruin clock day with your shitty submissions
going to tell me to make my own flash?
Yup, I bet u can't make a better flash than me u big bad fool.
Jean-Paul totally pwns u
This Clock Day-protect everything combo is dead frickin wrong...
nope, with the clock day even your submissions could be protected.