That was absolutly horrific. No, you don't have anything going there.
heres a basic preview of the first sscene of fox 11, a bigger movie i hope to produce featuring many other interesting satires.
That was absolutly horrific. No, you don't have anything going there.
everything didnt look anything like what it should have looked like
the joke was bad as well, and your color schemes had little to do with SW
...ummmm....well....HEY! you wanted me to review!
I guess this was ok I mean it wasn't very good but it wasn't that bad.
I wuv explosions!
:D:D:D b00m b00m b00m this flash r0xx0red
hehhehhe. thanks buddy.
It's kind of not cool and unfunny at the same time not that original.
i know i know, =]