It was good
HLOY CRAP its spongeclock!
It is the peak of the Cold War. The Soviet Union and United States now each have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world many times over. As tension is on the rise, the Soviet Union is about to test its newest weapon. A submarine, C-19, powered by a nuclear reactor and with enough atomic weapons to destroy the state of New York is about to attempt its first mission...
This part is kinda slow, but it needs to kinda set up the entire theme and what not. I'm sorry I didn't add text to this, but my computer died on me for a few days and I never got the chance. I hope you enjoy, have a great clock day!
It was good
HLOY CRAP its spongeclock!
didnt quit get the ending
good but ending was counfusing
harah for global communism
long live the USSR can wat til next ep when the the evil empire USA is wiped out
Very well done, man. And you get bonus points for me being it in! :3
Hope to see more of your cool Flashes!
a work of art
an excellent submission which is obviously based off of k19 the widowmaker(one of my favorite movies, go harrison ford!). keep up the good work and cant wait for the rest of it(just go see the movie already :)