Well i would have to say that this one had some nice moments and was a good varirty of the characters at hand even some funny moments here
My first real animation!:)
Hope u like it!
I've added voices!:)
Please leave reviews!
Well i would have to say that this one had some nice moments and was a good varirty of the characters at hand even some funny moments here
Not really good.
I love Star Wars and Elvis so when I saw this, I thought that the idea of Elvis kicking Darth Vader's ass would be awesome! I was quite disappointed to see Madness-like figures fighting. The animation was decent, but the voices were just awful. I'd say that the thing that disappointed me most was that there was no Elvis music whatsoever in the whole movie! Another thing that would've been nice is a plot. Anyway you had a funny idea.
Way to slow.
Although the idea in essence is a good idea, the execution falls a bit short. The start of the flash is so incredibly slow that it almost instantly turns you away, not only that, but the rest of the submission leaves something to be desired. The graphics were poor at best and it didin't really entertain me well at all. Bad submission.
Pretty Good!
Heh, a comical battle animation. Good sound, good graphics and smooth animation too. Can't think of anything to improve. keep up the good work!
haha... strife