The visual stylr was interesting, but flat. The surreal was neat. But I didn't see the point. Sorry... 6/10 review, but just neat enough for a 3/5 on the blam-scale.
This one took me several days. Hand painted backrounds for the outside parts, hope you enjoy! Oh yea sorry about annoying wind loop, had to do that to reduce filesize!
The visual stylr was interesting, but flat. The surreal was neat. But I didn't see the point. Sorry... 6/10 review, but just neat enough for a 3/5 on the blam-scale.
have you no concern for the donuts of our time?
Graphics were ok, but nothing special.
The gameplay was ok, but it wasn't thrilling. With only one type of turret and three types of building, it was a bit simplistic. The gameplay was interesting, but it boiled down to four things, even at it's most detailed: being fast at building, not being an idiot when placing turrets, choosing when to build power plants, and choosing when to build the factory/upgrades. The first two aren't particularily difficult. That leaves two points to strategize over.
the best in the wild 2+ west
this was clearly the best flash ever to hit this universic time line thingy of the cosmos there for you vote 5 hurt horneys or die this be the best all who qustion the power of the milkshake will experience highly explosive anal paniD; and then will be pwind under D.u/.W
beautiful and eerie
This is GORGEOUS -- I love the organic look of the hand-painted backgrounds, the techie look of the interior of the house (those perfect squares & slow rotations!), the little-kid-scribble look of the figures -- and how you make all these different styles fit together.
And GOOD FOR YOU for refusing to let reviewers intimidate you into making movies that "make sense" according to whatever it is they're looking for! This movie makes perfect sense (by not making sense) to anyone who's ever had a weird dream or an indescribable mood or an unsettling sequence of events.
in think this wants to be the next salad fingers
but i dont think it will
Does it really have that much in common with salad fingers?