WARNING: A really old and crappy game from 2005, that is probably not worth your time. Yeah, it's that bad :)
Fight against suicide bombers, babies,
aliens, hippies and many more!
Movement= Arrows
Shotgun = Uparrow
Mortar = Space
Don´t let the enemies reach the left border!
....and of course, don´t forget to visit www.exotworking.com!
the guy is too slow, make him faster, oh and his gun too
Best. Game. Ever.
...as determined by viking scientists
I think this was a lazy job
Wow, how the mighty hath improved over the years. You didn't make the guy NEARLY fast enough. If you find yourself on the right side of the screen and a paratrooper falls on the left side near the edge, it's all over. Because he's not fast enough to get there in time to shoot up, and if you shoot to the side (which is with the frigging UP arrow key! That's so irritating! You should shoot UP with the UP arrow and then ostensibly the spacebar should shoot to the side, if the left and right arrow keys make him run to the left or right!) you need 2 shots to kill so it's a foregone conclusion. So I played again, and stayed on the left side of the screen: Shoot up to take care of the ones that come in on the left, and shoot horizontally to the right for the ones that come in on the right past a certain point, that way I'm not ever left in a position where I'm too far to the right to make it in time to shoot up at someone coming down on the left edge. Guess what happened. I got to level 2, and then 3, and then 4. And then his speed comes back to bite him again, but this time in an unavoidable way. Those red bombs in #4 with the aliens are WAY too fast to outrun. Oh, but that's not the fun part. After he was killed (or at least k.o.'d) by a bomb early on, aliens came and swarmed and swarmed and swarmed..... and then it announced my victory! And it announced that the next level was level 3 again, and it was hippies with flower parachutes again! And I didn't even bother shooting them. And they got to the left side and..... it announced my victory again! And it did level 3 AGAIN! And then level 4 again! And then level 3 again!
So the problem is, any way around it, either by the gameplay or the progression of the program itself, the game sucks. He's slow and also, the response time is too slow. He doesn't just move slowly, but he doesn't start going until you've been holding down the arrow key left or right for a long time, and then it's abortive at first. And there's bad programming for deciding whether you won a level and what it does after you win a level. It might be significantly better if you changed some easily changed parameters and fix the level progression bugs. Make him faster, and make him start moving right away.
But whatever, you were what, 14 when you made this, right? And as an experimental first project, at least the damn thing doesn't crash, which is probably what any program I wrote would do now, if I knew how to do it at all.
I think you spend more time on this review than I did thinking about the game mechanics back then, haha.