ok that is werd.
Erica's farm keeps getting stranger and stranger. The only thing that is really keeping Erica sane is her best friend and partner in crime, Miko. As the series progresess, Erica and Miko transform an empty feild into a thriving farm that is visited by some unusual - and sometimes hostile - guests. Episode one is really an introduction to the characters. WIth later episodes things really take off with bees, aliens and dancing deamons.
ok that is werd.
If the way you did the character designs wasnt bad enough you went and did the animations like that!, it was so very creepy is what i was getting at, which is absolutely great on your behalf. I loved the way you used the noises as well when you animated it, i espically liked it when the characters turned away from the camera and that bone crunching sound could be heard. Overall this was a very interesting way to display a flash presentation, crazy style.
(Hamy_jamy isn't even suppose to be here today)
Sorry to be brutally honest but... BLAM THIS PIECE OF CRAP! It has no plot, no point, no astory, NOTHING! Ahem. xDon't fume yet, here are the good points!
The animation was smooth, the sound effects were great and everything synchs(sp?) well. Keep up the good points, and , remember to add an interestingplot.
Another point... sorry but...
beautiful, beautiful nonsense ^__^
This flash made absolutely no sense but it's sheer brillance for what it is. I'm guessing by the "1" in the title this is the first in a series so some of the lack of plot is because this is an introductory episode. I guess that there will be more of a plot in the next episode but don't make it too plotty, make it crazy and random, like ARFENHOUSE! rawr arfenhouse!
The similarites to the Powerfuff Girls series are astromoncial, but it also has something more to it. Something like a Powerfuff Girls meets I Love Egg with some Windows Media sound effects. :) Three girls with basic designs and potential powers go through various different scenarios, and with each passing one, change their said design and show off their different respective outfits. There were about 3 or 4 different locations for the characters to go - maybe in the next episode there will be even more. The motions from the characters were at times repeated but looked good to begin with. Nice costumes, you did a good job.