Missed it ...
Sorry, I fell asleep twice. I see what you are trying to do here, but it just isnt workin for me. It takes, on average, about 30 seconds to figure out what you are
looking at after the change of each scene, which is too long to be staring at the same thing, some peoples flashes arent that long. The whole 'Signs' feel you were going for was crushed by the fact that there was no depth to you imagery. Then right there at the end you get torn from your sleep by these completely terrible sound fx of a man yelling that was on a totally different level than the sound of the rest of the movie. The only reason Im taking the time to write all this is because I know that its going to get by with something just over a 2 because you said a few magic words like '6 part series' and 'sci-fi' and people just 'cant wait until the first part comes out'. From a flash perspective, nothing new or interesting, pretty boring ... from a film perspective, which it looks like you were trying to accomplish here, I would have to say that it just wasnt very good.