its was good but i remember something
it was a good flash till i remember the song that i was in a playin 3rd Grade. You know what I was dressed up, A Freaking GumDrop well it better then the time a played the flute on stage.
I heard the song and it got stuck in my head so I decided to make a flash about for it.
its was good but i remember something
it was a good flash till i remember the song that i was in a playin 3rd Grade. You know what I was dressed up, A Freaking GumDrop well it better then the time a played the flute on stage.
it was an alright animation..... and now i got that song stuck in my head now, lol.
liked it :)
i liked it but i was wondering; how do u make something half see-through? (the light that was at the top) plz reply (p.s. TiroX has mood-swings, pass it on)
I didnt like should not consider making more!there needs to be more umph in the flash...other than that it was ok...but do whatever the hell you want to do...its not my life...
A classic song, but the mixed with the visuals, it was just a mind fuck, lol. Mental.