I think you have a brain tumor, seek medical attention now... in the dark alley in Detroit where the best brain surgeons are around. Go, now.
this was my part for prodigous almagation, unfortunetly i didnt make it(this is my ooooold work, i can make better graphics now. =/ but i made a lot of friends and will be joining snare and zombielincoln in completely random 4
I think you have a brain tumor, seek medical attention now... in the dark alley in Detroit where the best brain surgeons are around. Go, now.
no i do not
If it was me who took your sapce from you in PA, you are not the first. I have had emails and IMs from Misfit Blob and Sanchie. lol.
any way pretty good. I liked the 3d parts
yep it was you but i dont really care, you did a better job :P
Even though it's been a long time, it's still really nice and fast, and the music is awesome
And hurry up with your completely random 4 part, hamslice is waiting!
He wants it done by today
Anyway, yeah you are getting better, sorry you didn't make it into pa, well done
Love -snare-
yay snare! dont worry i know its being done right now itll be awesome!
i dont get rewievers like the last one was..its like you sayd.either 10 or a zero...i mean whats up with that?am i right?...the flash was great..altho im not into that kind of music..but what the hell..it still makes a great seizure maker..great job..the green dude was cool
thanks man. this stuff is atleast a couple months old, i now know a lot more about flash so i will notify you when completelyrandom 4 comed out, you also can im me for a preview of my part
I can't believe this passed.
This wuz lucky 2 get through. U must have many friends that voted 5.
i find it intresting that you have 0 movies in the portal and that you are the worst reviewer on newgrounds!!!!! you either give a movie or game a 10 or a 0(this is a fact look at his reviews!)! do everyone on newgrounds a fovor and stop reviewing bitch!