lol this was some funny shit. And its true Ganondorf was awsome in Ocarina of time till they made the gay change in melee. He was so ugly that im serious one of my mirrors might have broken. But this was funny dawg. HAAHAAHA
We noticed that Ganondorf was really funny to watch in SSBM compared to the Zelda games; so we decided to make a short movie to display his stupidity. This is V.2 because V.1 was slow, choppy, and all around worse.
lol this was some funny shit. And its true Ganondorf was awsome in Ocarina of time till they made the gay change in melee. He was so ugly that im serious one of my mirrors might have broken. But this was funny dawg. HAAHAAHA
YAY DAN! Good one! I loved it But it would take way more than 20 episodes more like 40
Pretty funny
It was alright. Okay graphics, and over-all funny if you like toilet humor.
An abuse of gradients. Make backrounds. And characters. If you're going to trace link, do it for all views. Or make your own.
pretty funny
NOw i Hate Gannondorf as much as the next person and thought puting him in this kind of scene was funny.coudve been longer and funnier but overall a good movie.