I vaguely remember some Cat-O-Blue flashes
Like the one with "CAT FUD" and the meaning of life or whatever. I don't have time to go back and watch all the rest right now, I'm just trying to catch up on my Zekey-reviewing. Ayup. #;-}>
Alyssa Milano: Yay, more CAT FUD! Speak of the devil. Mrow, mrow, CHASE SCENE. Yay. Chase scenes go better with hills. Anywho, sadly, Cat-O-Blue doesn't kick any ass in this one (he's no BEEBO, certainly), still... quite entertaining!
ZekeySpaceyLizard: Whoa, nice watercoloury background there. Your version of Cat-O-Blue is quite awesome, especially the tank-tread like feets. Sadly, the CAT FUD comes in and ends it all so abruptly. As often is the case, Zekey... we're left wanting more more more!
jetninjin: Scribble-style is teh great. Yours shows a bit more of the white background than I tend to like, but the squigglefactor is quite excellent. Ha ha. Nice zooms on the kittyfaces. And what an awesome flamey tree at the end + weird-ass sun. CAT FUD + LUV = GUD.
Good job, all. I'm just left wanting more is all. Ah well. I'll get around to watching the actual Cat-O-Blues I haven't seen before (and perhaps those I already have) sooner or later, and that'll have to do.